Home » 5 Toothsome Tips For A Winning Smile From London’s Best Dental Clinic

5 Toothsome Tips For A Winning Smile From London’s Best Dental Clinic

by Nellie Heaton
London’s Best Dental Clinic

Who doesn’t love that sparkling white smile brimming with confidence? Behind the glam though lies diligent daily oral care and trusted guidance from dental professionals. Without paying close attention to dental health, teeth issues can onset quickly leading to pain, large treatment expenses and appearance woes.

Thousand Smiles Dental Clinic, voted London’s best dental facility for excellence in general dentistry and specialized care shares 9 clinically proven ways for maintaining fabulous dental health from childhood into advancing years.

1. Brush & Floss Religiously

Leading London dental clinic professionals universally advise brushing twice along with flossing once daily without fail. This clears out plaque and food debris – prime culprits behind breeding germs, decay, gum infections and that unpleasant odour from the mouth.

Invest in a good quality toothbrush suited to individual needs like age, braces or sensitivity concerns based on guidance from the dental clinic in London. Coupled with the proper two-minute brushing technique personalized for patients, this hygiene ritual pays huge dividends long-term.

2. Protect Against Erosion

Acidic food and drinks have strong erosive potential warns Thousand Smiles dental clinic in London. This gradually softens and wears down the glossy, protective tooth enamel exposing the sensitive interior to irreversible damage. Limiting intake of acidic foods, carbonated and caffeinated beverages minimizes risk.

London’s top rated clinic also prescribes customized home oral products like sensitivity toothpastes, saliva-boosting gums and remineralizing gels. These help strengthen and shield tooth surfaces based on patient lifestyles and medical factors.

3. Get Regular Dental Cleanings

Even the most diligent home care cannot remove stubborn tartar or plaque from difficult to reach places between teeth advises London’s best dental clinic. This leads to irritation, swollen and bleeding gums signalling upcoming complex issues. Getting a thorough professional cleaning periodically prevents escalation into urgent procedures.

Thousand Smiles dental clinic London professionals recommend ideal cleaning frequency after assessing individual risks like family history, smoking, pregnancy etc. for staying ahead. Advanced dentistry tools, sterilization protocols and experienced hygienists deliver effective treatment.

4. Don’t Delay With Oral Health Issues

Seeking timely help for problems makes a huge difference in protecting long-term dental wellbeing stresses London’s premier dental facility. Be it a chipped corner, sore Wisdom tooth or injured lip/cheek lining from sharp edges – quick fixes early on halt further wear or tear. The specialist clinic offers evening and weekend appointments for urgent care.

Certain preventable conditions like misaligned jaw growth in kids benefits from early orthodontic correction too instead of extensive reconstruction later, advise paediatric dentistry teams at Thousand Smiles clinic London wide branches.

5. Have Wholesome, Tooth-Healthy Eating Habits

Diet significantly impacts the resilience and longevity of teeth. Fresh fruits, leafy greens, dairy and lean proteins help strengthen enamel explains London’s top dental care centre while limiting sugary processed snacks and acidic drinks prevents decay. Staying hydrated with water also lowers staining.

6. Use Fluoridated Oral Care Products

Fluoride-containing toothpaste, mouthwashes and professionally applied treatments strengthen tooth enamel making it more decay resistant, explain dentists at London’s premier dental clinic. Fluoride protects vulnerable spaces against acidic attacks and bacterial damage based on scientific review of extensive research.

7. Limit Consumption Of Staining Food & Drinks

While beverages like wine, coffee and sodas or foods like berries, tomato sauce and soy sauce taste delicious, overindulgence results in stubborn staining on enamel. Thousand Smiles dental clinic in London recommends rinsing mouth with water after and brushing post such meals to maintain brightness. Professional cleaning can tackle tough extrinsic stains effectively.

8. Protect Teeth From Grinding & Clenching Issues

Unconscious teeth grinding typically done under stress can damage enamel and alter alignment over time. London’s best dental clinic can fit night guards after assessing bite pressure distribution to protect teeth during sleep. Physiotherapy helps relieve muscle tightness in some cases. Staying stress-free also helps reduce grinding severity.

9. Stimulate Saliva Flow

Natural saliva helps stabilize pH balance in the mouth preventing tooth decay explains London’s top dental clinic. Sufficient hydration, sugar-free gums and citrus consumption can boost saliva flow relieving dry mouth issues. Artificial substitutes provide temporary relief as well for some patients to curb infection risks.

So while tooth decay risks can never be eliminated fully, savvy patients can minimize downsides through smart daily habits complemented by modern dental health products and new-age clinical techniques for safeguarding their priceless smiles!

As a pioneering dental clinic in London driving innovations in cosmetic restorations and dental implant procedures in London, the expert teams at Thousand Smiles also specialize in subtle teeth makeover solutions for stunning corrective outcomes. However, protecting natural dental health remains a priority for their clinicians advising patient’s comprehensive care.

So give your pearly whites their best chance by investing consistently in oral health – both in smart daily home care techniques as well as trusting London’s finest dental teams at Thousand Smiles with professional support customized for your unique needs and risk factors. Follow their 5 big recommendations and keep flashing that beautiful smile for decades!

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