Home » Top 9 Home Remedies To Tackle Toothache Suggested By Busy Emergency Dentist

Top 9 Home Remedies To Tackle Toothache Suggested By Busy Emergency Dentist

by Nellie Heaton
Emergency Dentist

A toothache may show up any time and without any prior notice. An acute pain in the tooth may disrupt your normal daily routine. Usually, such painful and tormenting situations arrive when you least expect them. In such cases prompt intervention of a qualified dentist is the best thing for you. But depending on the practical situation in hand, that may not be possible on every occasion. Thankfully there are certain tried and tested home remedies and emergency dental strategies which provide considerable relief immediately. You can apply these tips and strategies at home to manage your pain and discomfort until you get access to your dentist.

Let us explore those temporary solutions in details in the following sections of this blog post.

1. Gently Brush & Teeth & Rinse The Mouth With Lukewarm Water

While suffering from a severe pain in the tooth you should try brushing the teeth gently. Brush normally as you do at other times but make sure to move the toothbrush very gently along the teeth surfaces. After the brushing is over, you should rinse the mouth with lukewarm water. This strategy often works with nasty toothaches. Brushing and rinsing help removing any food particle that got stuck badly in the tooth and contributing to your pain. If you brush vigorously in these circumstances, it may increase both your pain and irritation.

2. Gentle Flossing Also Helps

Dental floss reaches those areas of the mouth where the bristles of a toothbrush fail. Flossing is a tried and tested way to dislodge food particles and other debris that get stuck in between the teeth. Gently flossing the teeth may help dislodging the particle that is aggravating your pain, points out a busy emergency dentist in Wimbledon. But again, you must make sure to floss gently; else your pain and discomfort may increase manifolds and there could even be an additional irritation in your gums.

3. Rinse The Mouth With Lukewarm Saltwater

Lukewarm saltwater has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When you rinse the mouth with lukewarm saltwater you could get temporary relief from your pain and discomfort to a considerable level. Take a cup of warm water and add about a teaspoon of normal salt to it and stir well. Make sure all the salt dissolves in the water. Take a mouthful of the solution and rinse it gently across all the corners of the mouth and particularly at the site of pain. Then spit out the water.

4. Cold Compress

Applying cold compress to the outer cheek helps reducing inflammation and pain in the tooth. When you apply a cold pack to an area in your body it constricts the blood vessels. As a result, lesser blood flows into the area to help you numb the pain and also reducing inflammation. The same phenomenon works here too. But it is important to remember that you should not apply an ice pack directly to the affected area on the skin as that may lead to a cold burn. Always wrap a cube of ice in a towel or a thick cloth before applying it on the skin. Alternatively, you can also put the ice in a polythene bag and then hold the bag against the skin to avoid a cold burn. You should apply a cold compress for about 15 to 20 minutes at a stretch followed by a break of 10 to 15 minutes before applying it again to ensure the best results.

5. Pain Medications Available Over The Counter At Chemist Shops

A range of pain relievers like ibuprofen, acetaminophen and others are readily available over the counters at drugstores. These medications also prove helpful minimising your pain and inflammation to a considerable level. However, a renowned urgent dentist in Wimbledon suggests if you take these over-the-counter medicines, you must follow the instructions on dosage recommendation printed on the packaging.

6. Peppermint Tea Bags Are Helpful Too

When you are being tormented by severe pain in the tooth peppermint tea bags can provide you with the much-needed relief. Place a tea bag in hot water for some time and then hold it against the troubled area of your mouth to get temporary relief. Alternatively, you can also make use of peppermint tea to get the same effect. Take a cup of water and bring it to boil. Add a teaspoon of dry peppermint leaves to it and leave it for some time. This allows the peppermint leaves to go into the solution. When the solution has cooled down enough take a sip of it at a time and swish it well in the mouth for about 30 seconds. Then spit it out.

7. Use Of Clove Oil

The oil extracted from clove possesses analgesic and antiseptic properties to give you temporary relief from a nasty toothache. Take a tiny cotton ball and soak it in a few drops of clove oil. Then place the cotton gently on the troubled tooth and let is settle for at least 15 to 20 minutes before the magic oil starts its action. A dentist with years of experience in providing emergency dental treatment in Wimbledon suggests you should make sure not to apply any pressure to the area. “Ready to use” clove oil is available in local chemist shops as well as in the medicinal section of supermarkets.

8. Stay Away From Trigger Foods & Drinks

Foods and drinks that are hot, cold or sweetish usually prove to be a trigger in increasing your pain and discomfort related to an aching tooth. The same is true for acidic foods and drinks too. Soft, mild foods and drinks do not cause much trouble in this condition.

9. Keep Your Head Little Elevated

When you lie down with an aching tooth or an inflammation in the mouth it is better to keep the head a little elevated. This helps reduced blood flow to the affected area, which eases both the pressure and the pain. So, place an extra pillow under the head whenever you lie down.

All the home remedies mentioned above are meant to provide you with only temporary relief from your pain in the teeth. You need a permanent solution to the problem and for that it is important to address the underlying cause that is causing the pain. According to trained and qualified oral health professionals working at the renowned Wimbledon Confidental Dentist London you must book an appointment and see your dental caregiver as soon as possible.

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